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White Plants

Meet cassey


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I am here to help you slow down, reconnect with your body, and listen to your heart’s whispers so you can follow the life of your dreams (not one of the societal shoulds!)

Through the sacredness of ceremony, I provide you with an individually tailored space to honour, celebrate, commemorate and be held through life's moments. 


I hold a safe and sacred space for you to drop your worries and stressors and overwhelm and deepen into connection, harmony and gratitude. To find inner peace and restore balance internally – which ripples externally. 


Using the ancient plant medicine of Cacao, we will journey in reverence alongside meditation, movement, music and magick, offering deep nourishment for your mind, body and soul. 


As you embark on this transformative journey with me, you'll connect with your own intuition, allowing your boundless potential to bloom.


Whether you're seeking a greater sense of purpose, a deeper connection with yourself and/or your guides, a supportive community, or simply a chance to slow down and take a breath, I’ve got you girl!

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